Meet Super SIM

Hi there! I am Super SIM – thanks for checking me out

I am the ONE IoT SIM you will ever need, to give your devices reliable cellular connectivity around the world. 


Whether it’s for asset trackers, IoT sensors, consumer wearables, industrial needs, or just for data connectivity for field tablets – I give your devices access to ~400 networks around the world. Should a network ever have an outage, I will make sure to failover to another available network – fully automatically. And unlike many other IoT SIMs out there, I give you truly ONE place to go manage your entire fleet of SIMs. Oh and the best of it all: I will only ever charge you for the data you actually use. 


But a video says more than a thousand words:


Do you want to try me out?

There are three ways to do that:

Step through an interactive demo

Step through the process of:

  • Ordering SIMs – from a few, to tens of thousands

  • Configuring them for easy management

  • Bulk-activating them with just a few clicks 

  • Viewing usage statistics and more


Anyone can do this, without any technical expertise!

Access the Interactive DemoOpens in a new window.

Register me for immediate use

If you are reading this, you should be in possession of me already! Just follow these steps:

  • Get a free Twilio account at if you don’t have one yet

  • In Twilio Console, select Explore Products > Internet of Things and click Register SIM

  • Super SIM is now part of KORE Wireless! Follow the instructions to create and link your KORE account. More details

  • On your device set APN to super and ensure data roaming is on


Then follow our Getting Started Guide for more details on how to set me up!

Getting Started GuideOpens in a new window.

Review my APIs

We are proud of our APIs at Twilio, and they are all publicly documented and accessible. I am no different!



Access Super SIM API documentationOpens in a new window.

I get it – you don’t want to hear from ME that I’m Super.

So have a listen to what our customers have to say:

Rently is fueling massive growth with IoT

  • 3x increase in renter self-tours
  • 250% increase in operators
  • 10x faster activations

Raven is achieving scale, at ease

  • 80% faster device deployments with API-based automation
  • 100% predictable telecom bills
  • 2x reduction in time to issue resolution

SPIN expands to 70 cities with the help of Twilio IoT

  • 1100% increase in daily average trips
  • 1 million+ rides in one year
  • 70 deployed cities across the US

Twilio IoT has been acquired by KORE
You can find more details about the transaction in our press release.